Anything can be comfortable for a short period of time. What I'm going to write about today is what happens when you find yourself unable to stand and you have to sit for long periods of time. I find myself
The hospital is no place for getting well, now is it?
And you find yourself in the hospital for something that you caused 100% of yourself you feel a little bit foolish. Especially in ICU. It's not a terribly comfortable place. It's where they put you and you have to be
Benzo withdrawal is no joke
I was prescribed Klonipin back in 2015 after first being diagnosed with MS. This was even before most of my symptoms got angry and went bezerk. I hadn’t even been diagnosed with primary progressive MS yet but was stumbling around
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What People Say About Me
She's an inspiration. You don't have to have MS to be inspired by her strength.
Clarice Kluss
Reading her blog is such a relief. She puts into words all the things I wish I could say. Nice to know you are not alone on these things.
Jennifer Funk
She is a great writer that touches on situations that affect people with MS. And she does it with a sense of humor.
Lynne Koban
Because she writes her real journey of life with MS. So many of her thoughts have crossed my mind, which is what connected me to her the first time I read her blog. Great writer. Real stories. Brutal honesty of life with MS.
Paula Ferran Keubler
Honest, open, and heartfelt! The honesty in her writing draws me in so deep, I find myself wanting more! Beautifully written Bethy!